Feng Shui consultations for Houston homeowners

Balance your surroundings for long-lasting positive change

Feng Shui is the art of knowing how to balance your surroundings to bring peace and harmony to your life

Arranging furniture for flow, choosing the right colors, or mindfully decluttering are  recognized by modern science to lower stress. They strongly influence your physical, mental and emotional well-being. Feng Shui has guidelines to make positive change happen. And Modern Feng Shui offers practical solutions for modern Western thinkers.

Schedule a pre-consultation now to get started. Call or text


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Feng Shui Rule #1: Declutter first

Cluttered drawer

Clutter is chronic pain for the spirit. You may try to ignore it, but the need to fix it persists. Decluttering brings instant relief with overwhelming sense of freedom. You'll literally feel your energy lift and soar. Your first step toward peace and harmony has been accomplished!

Feng Shui tips and tricks

the key to feng shui success

Key to Feng Shui and happiness: clear your clutter

Nearly everyone wants to start with a specific Feng Shui cure to attract love, abundance, a relationship, etc. That’s understandable.  But to skip over Feng Shui’s #1 rule – to first clean and declutter – is a major mistake. Decluttering clears space for success and happiness to occur. Without making...
energy vampire

Slay your energy vampires

Energy vampires are sneaky, energy-sucking critters that rob our lives of calm. They inflict micro-cuts so small we may not realize how big an impact they collectively make! Reminders of something we want to do sometime are a major source of paper clutter, which causes stress and frustration. Here's how to...
If you can dream it, you can do it

Reach your goals with Feng Shui

Reach your goals with Feng Shui Skip New Year’s resolutions - use Feng Shui to deliver results Good intentions and wishful thinking are out. Reaching goals and manifesting dreams using Feng Shui is in! What better time than New Year's to get started. You must clean and declutter to kick-start...

Feng Shui video answers and insights

If you have questions about Feng Shui, text or leave a voice message at 713-568-6488. Or email directly to julie@juliebritt.com