Julie Britt, Lifestyle & Feng Shui Consultant

My mission is to help clients thrive (and resolve issues) by changing their surroundings

I learned the hard way that Feng Shui's driving force, called Chí, cuts both ways.

Chí doesn't care. You can harness chí for good using Feng Shui principles, Or you can leave Feng Shui to its own devices and muddle through.

I was ignorant of Feng Shui principles when I once painted a bedroom red. I expected rose-red to be romantic. It looked romantic. I never imagined my relationship of 16 years would explode two weeks later and never recover. But that's what happened. THAT was bad Feng Shui!

Feng Shui is the art of knowing how to read your surroundings for trouble, and then how to bring balance and harmony to your home and life.

Today it's obvious what happened. I painted that room red out of suppressed frustration. I painted my energy on those walls. Today I'd know how to defuse the explosive Fiery Element. I'd balance it with four other Elements to achieve a productive (and gentler) outcome.

Knowing what you want to achieve with Feng Shui is important

I wanted to resolve an issue and was met with stonewalling. Blowing up the stonewall was one way to go, for sure, but the issue itself was never resolved and we parted.

By allowing me to know what you'd like to achieve in a consultation, you'll get the best results. When you balance your surroundings to support your intentions, you put yourself in control. And taking control allows you to move forward with energy, confidence and joy.

Call or text now for an appointment and let's get started.
Voice messages are texted to me for quick response.



Julie Britt is a Feng Shui Consultant located in Houston, Texas. She's a native of St. Louis, Missouri, who came to Houston via New Orleans, Louisiana.

She has more than 20 years experience practicing, teaching and consulting on Feng Shui issues and it's first requirement, decluttering.