Start Day Calendars

An astrological calendar for planning emotionally happy outcomes for new projects, successful appointments, good decisions, and important commitments.

Since 1985

Welcome to the 2024 Start Day Calendars 

View or download THIS MONTH'S CALENDAR

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Step 1 of 3

What are Start Days (smiley faces)?

StartDays refer to specific times and days when making decisions, beginning projects and signing agreements yield emotionally happy outcomes.

Think of it this way: Start times create a lucky natal chart for your decisions, projects and commitments.

StartDays themselves can be ordinary or stressful, happy or sad. Start refers only to the outcomes of your actions during that period.

What are VoCs (black dots)?

VoCs (Void of Course Moons) are times when you should avoid taking action on important matters. However, VoC is the perfect time to brainstorm, be creative, relax, and chill out. It's a highly fertile creative period.

Decisions made during VoC periods will have difficulty staying on course, slide around and resist completion.

Guide to calendar symbols

Calendar Creator

Connie King

Design and Editing

Julie Britt
Astrologer & Houston Feng Shui Consultant

Technical Assistance and Data Compilation

Houston Texas

About the Calendars

Love the Calendars? Tell us about it!

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  1. Rita Gautier on December 15, 2023 at 12:37 pm

    Hi Julie, Just checked out your website and love it. Wish you much success!

    • Julie Britt on December 15, 2023 at 8:06 pm

      Thank you Rita!

  2. Mary Brown on January 22, 2024 at 1:34 pm

    I’ve been a giant fan of these Start Day Calendars since the first time you shared them with your friends, clients and family. How uncanny it was to discover that a lot of unfinished projects (some got no farther than buying supplies) were started during the times of void of course moons, no matter how enthusiastic I was initially. Likewise, some issues I chose to address on Start Dates didn’t seem to go as well as I’d hoped initially, but when I learned to have patience, often panned out in a much more optimum way than expected. I’m not a slave to this science, but believe I have definitely benefitted from it as a great resource over the years. SOOO glad you take the time to create this Start Day Calendar every year. I use it daily and was very happy to pay you for the privilege this year; no one does a Start Day Calendar like YOU, Julie Britt! Here’s to your continued health, wealth, happiness and success throughout 2024.

    • Julie Britt on January 22, 2024 at 2:29 pm

      Thank you for the great comment, Mary! I’m happy to hear how much you like the Start Day Calendars, and thank you for your support!

  3. Ida on January 24, 2024 at 12:33 pm

    Really appreciate you doing all the work into putting these out Julie. I refer to it all the time.

    • Julie Britt on January 24, 2024 at 1:00 pm

      I’m glad you use them often, Ida! I also keep watch for the best days to take action.

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